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8 AM - 5 PM
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Services Provided

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Worship Media

Church networking and live stream setup .

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Home and small/medium business networking.

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Desktop support

Remote desktop support for Microsoft windows, MacOS and Ubuntu Linux.

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Network Security

Setup and management of Firewalls & VPN.

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Web Sites

Web site setup and design.

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Private Cloud

On premise Cloud backup solutions.

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Highlights of Using Open Souce

Open source has become a movement and a way of working that reaches beyond software production. The open source movement uses the values and decentralized production model of open source software to find new ways to solve problems in their communities and industries.


Cost effective.

Although open source solutions should be thought of as more than just free software, the fact that they require no licensing fees remains a decisive advantage when looking at the total cost of deploying a solution.


Freedom from lock-in.

Proprietary software for core infrastructure increases the risk of becoming locked in by the vendor or technology. If this happens, enterprises can be at the mercy of vendors’ price increases and experience a lack of flexibility they can’t easily and readily escape. Enterprises should be careful to use true open source solutions, rather than those from providers that repackage open source software to include proprietary hooks.


Better security.

As with reliability, open source software’s code is often more secure because it is much more thoroughly reviewed and vetted by the community (and any issues that do arise tend to be patched more diligently). Long a point of hesitation for enterprise adoption of open source, concerns about security just aren’t an issue today.

We specialize in helping Churchs with..

…Build web sites


…Setup Networks


…Setup for live streaming


…Find the best I.T. solutions that match your budget(or even no budget)


205.685.2010 8AM – 5PM Mon to Fri

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